Thursday, September 20, 2012

chicken crispers, tears and veggies..

So, today my hubby wanted to go to chilis, well,I know my favorite meal is at chilis, so I was like naaa..I would rather not,so anyway, I caved in,and we went, so I already know what I was gonna get, a nice low calorie meal. So, we sit down, I did get a nice iced tea, instead of water, we order, so I got the nice grilled chicken on multigrain bread, and fresh steamed broccoli, and what does my hubby order????? My favorite meal, so as I am sitting at the table, stairing at my juicy fired chicken tenders,my sopping with buttered corn, and the grease ladened french fries, I almost started to cry, not at the thought of not having my favorite items, but the thought of my own husband who told me he would never do that to me , he done it, he orders my favorite thing, and eats it in front of me! I couldn't believe I actually sat there, as his lips smacked the yummy juicy fried goodness, here i sit with a grilled chicken and broccoli. Then it hit me. So after me staring at that dish many times, wanting to yank the food outta his mouth and eat it all for myself, I looked down at my plate, and my food just got the best taste on earth to me! My grilled chicken had some kinda light lemon juice stuff on it, my broccoli had a tiny bit of pepper, and something on it, idk what happened , but I began to enjoy what I had in front of me, and looked at that plate as it was gross!!!How could I even think of doing that to my body! That plate is what got me here!! Not my husband! He never forced the food into me! I did it!! Now, its only been a short time on this journey, but for one of the first times after eating my meal, I felt good, no gurgles, or feeling totally sick from all the grease, I actually felt kinda clean!!lol! Its a great feeling! To leave the table satisfied, not overstuffed like a turkey!

 I am o proud of myself, I could have ordered whatever I wanted on that menu, but I didn't!! I coulda got soda, but I didn't, yesterday when my body wanted me to go to bed ,and sleep, I didn't, and all this makes my emotions run soo high, like wow!!!I am accomplishing so much in such little time,i am amazing myself!! I am just having kinda a go me day!! I am not as sore, I am feeling soo good, a little tired, but my body is feeling good!!! I never thought I would even actually get off my fat ass and do anything for myself, everything has been for everyone else, this is for me!! I wanna run, I wanna be able to fit into a ride, I wanna be able to play and run around with my kids, I wanna be able to walk, and be able to breathe!!! I am just having a me day, and ya know what i think its ok!!!!:O)

 So, praise God!!!:O)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

cures and band-aids..

Last night I was listening to a DR speak on the benefits of herbs, and supplements, and I was blown away! In this country we don't cure diseases, we treat  the symptoms, if you have a heart problem, we give a beta blocker, blood thinner, ect, instead of finding out what is missing to make the heart no longer function the way it should! Our way of treating is sadly wrong! If you have cancer you get chemo therapy, which a Journal of medicine document, released, said, chemo did not work in 97% of the time!!!!Then why the heck is it still used?? Why do American doctors not like the fact that we use things such as cannabis as a cure?? Cancer places are popping up like popcorn all over! Cancer is big business to big pharma!

 It sickens me how we are treated like animals in most cases, just to make someone rich! How many drugs are you on? How many of them are curing your diseases? Think about it! What drugs are you taking?What are they doing? The doc gives you one drug, which leads to another, and another!!! You take the one drug, but that makes ya cough, so ya need this drug, which leads to constipation, so you need this drug, its a never ending circle! 

 So, where's the cure? Well, for some it may be weight loss!Yes, its that easy! I hear so many people blaming this and that for there weight! Yet,when the weight is lost, they are miraculously healed of the diseases! We as humans always need that blame factor, always need to blame our issues on someone,or something. 

 Well,I am here to tell you weather you believe me or not, your issue is not your parents fault, or grandparents fault, its yours!!!Nothing is hereditary! it is because your body is not getting what it needs to perform correctly! You have a heart issue, its not because your mom did too, its because your not getting a vitamin, or your not eating the way you should be. Something is missing!God made these bodies of ours, and he don't make junk! 

 Yes, trusting some person that went to school longer than you did, and got a degree , may be easier for you, it may be easier for you to just trust,and take that pill, or many pills!! But, do you even know what you are taking? Do you really know what is in those pills? Do you know what they are doing? They usually just mask the symptoms, or make it livable!

 So many people I know are on so many pills, just so they can function! Without looking for the cure, you put all your trust in this one person,it is just so sad, that people would rather just take a pill, then actually do some research on the subject,and find out what is really going on in there own bodies! 

 I have been on a mission, to find out as much info about anything I can get my hands on about things! I once told someone about the yeast in there body, they looked at me like I had 3 heads!!! Instead of taking something to get rid of the yeast, well the doc said it was this!!!! Well,go ahead and listen to that doctor,enjoy having the pain, and taking all your drugs! 

  My question is this...the sh** has hit the fan, no one is working, the dollar is dead, you have no money to buy your drugs, what do you do then?Really, think about that one!! Will it be easier to stock up on vitamins and minerals, or try to find black market drugs? 

 So, that's my soapbox for the day....

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tubing and creatures..

SO , Thursday I will be setting off into unknown territory for me..I am going tubing, in the water, with real creatures, and such swimming around with me..I am kinda freaked out, but have been wanting to do this with my kids for years now, well, I am finally up for the challenge. Mom is gonna watch me and sis's little ones, and all us big kids are gonna go, and have some last bit of summer fun, though its still in the 90's here, and no sign of the temps going! So, I plan on having fun, I am praying my float stays full of air, and I don't fall out, cause one of my main fears is just that, why??I can't swim!!!Yeah, some 18 ft waters, and no devices, but a sis, hubby, and 3 kids to save me, I am praying I will be,, so no one get any ideas of making this momma go overboard, got me!!!:O)

 I did get a waterproof camera, to take some pics, this should be interesting, and kids have been looking forward to this for months now!!:O)

Monday, July 30, 2012

No guns?No formula?

So, We now live in a world that Mayor Bloomfield rules the world. It amazes me that one man can say one thing,and 2 days later it almost becomes law. It takes a group,a whole lotta people to come together to fight for one thing, but,these days one idiot gets up, says one thing, and bam, lets start!!!How can this be??

 So, Lemme get this straight, I can kill my unborn baby,cause abortion is legal, but yet, hide the baby formula,cause that's bad!!! So, abortion is great for us, but yet,the choice of formula feeding is now evil!!Ya know what makes me sick, My sister was in the hospital, wanted so badly to breast feed, but was having issues, the nurse came in, after 5 min, and shoved a bottle in the babies face, was of no help,to someone who wanted to breast feed, so now, your telling me you want the formula locked up? People these days are made to feel like there animals, because they do choose to breast feed,now, I feel if you wanna do either, it should be your choice, not some man!!! 

 This is the same man who want to limit our sodas to under 16 oz!! Remove popcorn from the movie theatre!!Here is the thing, He is now attacking other foods, what will be next? Once ya give the ok for one thing, the rest just goes too!!!

 I also read today that they are limiting certain sales of ammo in NY and NJ, no law has been passed yet, but yet, how can they be doing this??? 

 We are in trouble people!!!The government is buying hollow point ammo like its going outta style, and major riot gear. what is it they are preparing for?? Could it be the total abolishment of  the 2nd amendment????

Some very good quote are::
.To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -George Mason, during Virginia's ratification convention, 1788

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it.

If the Government doesn't trust us with our guns, why should we trust them with theirs? - Unknown

The usual road to slavery is that first they take away your guns, then they take away your property, then last of all they tell you to shut up and say you are enjoying it. – James A. Donald

   When they took the 4th Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs. 
When they took the 6th Amendment, I was quiet because I am innocent. 
When they took the 2nd Amendment, I was quiet because I don't own a gun. 
Now they have taken the 1st Amendment, and I can only be quiet. 
– Lyle Myhr
Speak up before its too late!!!!!  I am so sick of it!!! You can lick there boots,but I chose not to!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

wolves and sheep and I told ya so's....

Have you ever asked someone what they thought about something, and they just didn't even listen anyways, and went ahead and done whatever they asked you about anyway?
 Why do we do that? why do we even bother asking someone for there opinion,if we are not gonna use the advice? You like the blue or the purple dress?well I like the Blue one, well that's great I'll get the purple one!LOL It sounds funny..or we were asked a character reference about someone, and we let them know, and then we don't head the warning, and wind up getting burned in the end. Why do we ask for opinions?Is it fun or just some stupid thing we do to make other people feel important? 

 The Bible tell sus to watch for Wolves in sheeps clothing, and watch for men, for they are deceitful ,and lie! I so so many of my brothers and sisters being led, and carried away by wolves, and it just disturbs me to the utter core. We need to be so careful of who we let speak over us. So many well meaning people can walk into our churches, and be a wolf, the Bible says you will know them by there fruit. Check them out, find out about that person, if you are told about that person, head the warning ,please. I know we can do nothing but pray for those wolves, and the families he/she may impact, but I hate seeing people led astray by someone.
 Its like watching a train wreck, you can't do a darn thing about it...just like my what ya''ll call my crazy conspiracy theories,, you may laugh at me and call me crazy, but if I am being warned, and listening to all the bells going off, I read, I watch, I listen, I ask, I have a hard time trusting anyone, and I personally don;t see that as a bad thing. I never get hurt or burned by not letting someone in that way. 

 I just hate seeing how these wolves are still prowling around, and still doing there acts,and seeing people still falling for the same emotional routines of them. Its all a show people, wolves are very creative, and will get you to believe whatever is coming outta there mouths!Heck, I think they themselves even believe it! Anyway...all I gotta say in the end is I told ya so, and I know its not very Christian like, but its the truth, if you were told something, or shown something, or emotionally led to believe someone, wake up outta the trance,and  refocus, who are you serving?? 

Its a wolf led world out there, be careful,for they are everywhere!!!!!!

Acts 20:29, "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock."

Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Wolves will come from the outside and inside (1 Cor. 11:19; 2 Pet 2:1)

Now this is just a blog about something going on in my mind, stay tuned for a study on wolves!!!:O)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

If money were no object...

Its a term I have heard most of my life. We can't do that, we don't have money, You can't go to college there is no money, you can't go to a gym, you can;t afford it, You can't take classes for something you enjoy, you don't have money. I have heard it all, in my own life, and in others...Why do we let this one thing control us so much??? It is a dream killer, we put so many things on hold, to never see these dreams come to fruition, and its so sad..we all have so many dreams, that never get reached because of this one thing!!

 I hear it all the time, even from my own mouth..why do we listen to that thing in us?I talk to people who use money as an excuse, and thats really what it comes down to. Now, most people I know are not wealthy, and most are struggling, but, what would you become if Money was no object??Would you be that Photographer?The Nurse or Doctor?Lawyer? Skateboarder?Artist? Take your pick, and enter it in there..

 We always put these limits on ourselves, and make excuses to why we can't do things, when you sit and look at your situation, I can tell you from experience why you use excuses. Can it be that you are scared? What if that want took you away from your family for time? What if you had to move? What if you were told over and over how bad people think you are??What if no one cared to hear your voice? What if you were preaching to a bunch of chairs?? Then preach to those chairs, someone will eventually sit down in one, or take it outside, there is no one more powerful that that person with a mic!!!Let your voice be heard, we always crawl into our comfort zones cause boo hoo, no one listened to me, or no one wanted to support me, no one came to my painting show, or you can even take it into weight loss, we get so discouraged, and just throw in the towel, we don't care for that moment, but then we always have that what I coulda been, well, if I ate better, I coulda lost 50 lbs by now, If I brought a speaker outside and just started singing someone in the crown, or a walker by coulda been a promoter, you never know!!!The thing I am trying to say here is, you are you, you have been given this dream to sing, to act, to preach, to paint, you are the one to make it happen!!!! No one ever sat in there room, and wished and hoped without getting there hands dirty!!! The people who succeed in life are the ones out there promoting themselves no matter what the cost!

Then ya know what gets me, one thing we do, and we all do it, we get jelouse because someone is doing better, that had the same dream, so then we actually get ourselves into a depression about it, we say how come they got picked, or how come they got the position, our life is based on timing, and maybe its just not your time, or maybe you are in the wrong place, so you have to be moved, to fit into that time..its all about time, not money!!!

 I was always taught this one thing: Wanna hear it?? How bad do ya want it???How important is this dream?Does it matter if you are uncomfortable? Does it cause you to come out of your little comfort zone?   So, we use that excuse to I don;t have any  money, or I can't afford it!!!!

 I truly believe all of us have something in us that is some form of talent to make money, we were never really made to be under some boss, at some stupid company with rules over us, and we were never made to constantly live in fear of one day being fired...we all were given some does of something in us to succeed!

 So, here is my question, what was given to you?And are you reaching for that dream? Or are you using that excuse? Are you just letting that dream sit somewhere on a shelf left to rot? Or have you just given up on that dream, and wondering what you coulda been?

Don't let an excuse be the downfall of you not attaining your of my favorite quotes are this:
Reach for the moon even if ya miss you will end up among the stars.

 Do what you do, continue, no matter what the cost, if its your dream, it was put into you for a reason, and purpose in your life, don't let excuses such as money get in the what ever you need to do,, and try, try ,try...go for it, don't let it go, and don't let the dreams die!!!!!!!

You be you, and if you don't achieve your dream the way you thought it would be, than at least you can say you tried, and you was the best you, you coulda been!!!:O) Can I getta Amen somebody..


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Anti-social retards...

Ya know I been out this week and I love to  people watch, people are very interesting to watch, I could just sit and watch people go about there daily lives all day.But, I watch kids a lot too, having 4 of my own, I like to see if they are all alike, or  how different they are, and learn some parenting do's and don'ts for myself. Sadly, I have notice kids lately, they seem to almost all act the same, they tend to act retarded, especially boys! No longer can a child just sit in the mall food court and enjoy the family meal, without running all over, sliding down the chair, if you can even get them to sit down.Now, my children are in no way not involved in this mess, but Its just sad, I mean, no longer can we sit or stand in line somewhere without having to have some form of a special gadget to entertain us. Can we no longer have a meal as a family, w/o the gadgets? I mean, I know I am guilty of this also!!! But, have we become so anti-social? No wonder studies show we can't talk to one another anymore!!!OUr use of words during the day has even gone down!I mean I love getting to hear about my friends and family's days, but, to have to be texting while driving , I have seen it soooo many times!!People driving like nutcases, looking down at there stupid cell phones, what  would ever happen if we had no connections to the world? Could we go back to talking again...Would we even know how to hold a convo anymore??Just some thing to think about..:O)